
目前顯示的是 2012的文章

Dann danke

Danke für die schöne Zeit, danke für die Blumen und für die Musik  Danke für die schöne Zeit, danke für die Liebe und für die Musik  Danke für den morgentlichen Anfang, am Ende der besteht.  Danke für die rosaroten Wünsche die mich leiten mit Qualität. 

The parklife

The parklife was quite intensive actually. August/7th We went up to the hill in the north London. L told me before heading up the hill. He said, "Don't look back while you are climbing up. You don't want to spoil the view before you get to the summit." Before the hill schedule, we were at the eastern London. There was a great Indian restaurant which allows customers to bring their own liquor or drinks. It was such a great dinner with a lot of physical challenges. He lit up a cigarette. In August summer night, the wind was still chill and lower than I thought before the trip. A jacket is a must while you go out. It felt like the autumn time. He looked at the scenery in front of us. All the lights of central London. Overall panorama view was displayed but nothing touristic going on here. Just people who live nearby or know the place would come to this hill. There is a little bit of potential to be attractive to tourists. Maybe not. I had nothing going on in my mi...

the morning leaving Lyon

September/30th At the day i left Lyon, it was a rainy day, even raining heavier than  the day before. I didn't feel like leaving the house. My ex-roomate T  while I was still in France in 2010, woke up earlier than anyone else in the house. At the day, not only me, but rest of her  roommates were also leaving for a one week field trip. She wanted to  make something that we all can bring up with, so she planned to make some  cookie and swedish bread. She is dutch but last year she was in Stockholm for one  semester, continuing her studies in master. Later she told me that she  knew how to make expresso from a close italien mate, and a traditional swedish bread. The yellow spot light beneath the kitchen table, she  rolled up her sleeves and squeezed the bread dough. I took a shower  and packed all my stuff back to the tiny suitcase. It didn't feel like  that I would leave in few hours and maybe we could not see each other...

elephant castle

After Brno, I went to Trenčín by bus as planned. The bus arrived at the afternoon. It stopped at the boarder gas station for almost 45 mins but the destination was just like few km away (15 mins ride about). I left the bus at the train station which there's no any map telling me where to go. With the little tiny help from my ipod, i found the way but suspiciously entered a b uilding where the ground floor has one bank and a loan company. It is a financial building! "Is it really the hostel that i am looking for?" I was quite hesitated to drag my luggage to take the elevator. Then I saw a only possible door which had a A4 size print paper writing the name of the hostel. I was like, that looks really like something illegal place. Am I getting into some sort of troubles? No matter what, I entered and firstly couldn't find anywhere to register or a counter to find any staff in the house. It was like a lobby with 2 frigo, one small kitchenware and nothing more. More st...

Los Campesinos! Ellen farewell

繼鼓手 Olli, 小提琴手 Harriet, 女主唱 Alex 離團之後, Los campesinos! 又有一名元老團員即將在 15 號的表演中告別小農夫的行列,也就是外剛內強 ( 咦 ?) 的貝斯手 Ellen,準備要去專心寫作...(之前好像都是在拍自己樂團的紀錄片,甚麼時候開始寫作了?!) 。 講到這邊就覺得好奇特,現在元老團員只剩下精神指標 Gareth 和 Tom ,一個負責寫詞另一個負責寫曲 , 另外就是節奏吉他 Neil 了,其他的新團員很有趣但是好像越來越黑暗下去。脫稿許久的新一期 Heat Rash #4 也在前幾個禮拜推出,究竟 ~ 小農夫的下一張專輯,又會變成甚麼奇怪的喃喃自語,也只能靜靜期待了 … 。

愛 (2012)

終於看到鈕大導演的作品了,大牌盡出的催票破七億台幣的 小品 電影,果然真的搞砸了! 但是一定要先澄清一下,電影很好看,但是大拼盤組合的多線劇情沒有讓我覺得電影很精采的感覺,尤其是趙薇和趙又廷整個讓我喝欠連連,一邊看一邊想著,要是能夠專注在熱炒店一家的故事上,那該有多好。熱炒店這家人的背景設定都很有趣,于美人出現的場次雖然少,但是讓人記憶很深刻,至於那個可有可無的俊男美女三角戀就算了吧! 邊打字一邊看到電影海報鈕承澤的眼神一直盯著我,就覺得毛骨悚然實在是不好意思再講下去了,總之就是.... 好希望下一部片叫做「熱炒店物語」。

A TE - Jovanotti

A te che sei l'unico al mondo L'unica ragione per arrivare fino in fondo Ad ogni mio respiro Quando ti guardo Dopo un giorno pieno di parole Senza che tu mi dica niente Tutto si fa chiaro 這首歌只給你,因為你是這世界上最獨特的, 是支持走到生命盡頭的唯一理由, 當我凝視著你時,在喧囂的一天之後, 不用任何言語一切都如此清晰 A te che mi hai trovato All'angolo coi pugni chiusi Con le mie spalle contro il muro Pronto a difendermi Con gli occhi bassi Stavo in fila Con i disillusi Tu mi hai raccolto come un gatto E mi hai portato con te 這首歌只給你, 因為你在牆角找尋到了我 我背靠著著牆拳頭緊握著, 一副防衛的模樣,眼睛緊盯著地板 我站在沮喪的人群之中, 你將我像隻貓的撿了起來, 帶走了我。 A te io canto una canzone Di tutto quello che ho Prendi il mio tempo E la magia Che con un solo salto Ci fa volare dentro all'aria Come bollicine 對你,我又唱了另一首歌, 因為我沒有任何更好的東西可獻給你, 我有擁有的只有時間和魔法 一躍就能像泡泡在空中飛行著 A te che sei Semplicemente sei Sostanza dei giorni miei Sostanza dei giorni miei 只對你,因為你是 你是構成我生命的物質 我生命的物質 A te che sei il mio grande amore Ed il mio amore grande A ...

Colday - Pricess of China

對於coldplay的新MV,Pricess of China(中國公主)是用繁體字寫得感到興奮不已,但整體氛圍就是... 盜版的 臥虎藏龍 + 十面埋伏 。


好久沒有更新有關Los Campesinos!的有關消息,最近拖搞許久的Heat Rash #3應該會出刊,封面還是Rob畫的,另外最近比較有趣的更新就是貝斯手公布了她的Flickr帳號,可以看到他們巡迴時的照片,有興趣的朋友可以訂閱她照片池的news feed,馬上收到最新的照片訊息!  Ellen的照片池: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ellenstarbuck  CHEERS!

à bout portant (2010) 零點追兇

熬夜看完Fred Cavayé執導的À bout portant,好久沒有看到這麼刺激又不失去人性的無名小卒復仇片了!Gilles Lellouche在片頭露的腹肌(?),原來就是為了後面的狂奔準備的,哪有素人這麼會閃子彈的咧~~然後Gérard Lanvin的鬍子造型好適合他啊~!(以上是毫無營養的感言) 劇情最大的bug在於,Gilles Lellouche到底怎麼知道倉庫在哪裡的?

Les petits mouchoirs (2005) 愛‧謎‧藏

有驚喜搞笑的對話也有溫馨感人的片段,都表現的中規中矩,都不是很深刻,就是那種你會在電影院哭,然後回家馬上忘記繼續打小孩跟鄰居吵架的那種程度。Gilles Lellouche 吐的那段真是太經典... (Gilles Lellouche 暈船中) Ludo: 「HEY! 想不想吃ratatouille (燉菜)啊?」 Éric: 「....噁~~!!!」

Ma part du gâteau

看完的當下,腦中想的只有一句評語:「什麼爛結局~~~~~~~!!!!媽的Cédric Klapisch在搞什麼~~!!!!」 演員的辛勞都被白費了,虧Karin Viard還演的這麼好。

Melancholia (2011) 驚悚末日


Killing Bono (2011) 殺死波諾

電影改編自Neil McCormick的自傳小說的故事很簡單,就是講現在愛爾蘭搖滾樂團U2的故事,只是主角不是U2,而是當初跟U2一起發展但是最後沒紅的友團。 詳細的故事內容可以到 這個網誌 ,有人已經很辛勞的把整部電影的故事詳盡的打出來。不過電影中沒有什麼驚喜的部分,他們沒紅就只是因為他們不是U2,因為Neil McCormick不是Paul McGuinness (Bono),故事的轉折也就沒有什麼稀奇的,大多都可以猜想到,如同以下的輪迴(順序依照不同電影可以小小對換一下): 與友團競爭 > 對方紅了自己不紅 > 不得志 > 努力 > 沒紅 > 受賞識 > 堅持理想沒紅 > 有起色 > 砸鍋 > 團員意念不合 > 解散, 沒紅 > (完) 比較勵志的電影就會讓樂團紅,或是在很前途一片看好的榮光中結束電影,不過這是自傳小說改編的,所以當然就.... 想得美!電影標題當然就是噱頭,我也是被騙才看完這部電影的!

Attack the block (2011) 異星大作戰

外星怪物 Vs. 城市小混混 很有創意而且影評都給於讚賞(爛番茄新鮮程度有90%,很高~!),但是... 呵~~~~~~~~~ 看完了整片還是提不起勁,完全不對TONE。

PAGE ONE: Inside The New York Times

Andrew Rossi跟攝影團隊花了一年時間,跟拍紐約時報的主要記者與主編,有趣的是紀錄片避開分析解決報業危機的報導角度,而將問題的思考丟給視聽者,在網路新型態媒體重擊下,我們該如何看待傳統媒體的重要性。 誰選了餵養視聽者的資訊,它們怎麼篩選資訊,誰"真正"掌握了"對"的資訊,還有我們願意相信什麼,才是真正的重點。