
目前顯示的是 12月 12, 2010的文章

Los Campesinos! - In Media Res

But let's talk about you for a minute, With the vomit in your gullet, From a half bottle of vodka that we'd stolen from the optic. On the back seat in your car because it wasn't safe to start it, You were far too fucked to drive were the words that you imparted. 就讓我們暫時先討論你吧! 卡在食道中的嘔吐物, 是源自於我們從眼鏡行偷來的半瓶伏特加。 因為覺得不夠安全,所以我們躲在車子的後座裡, 從言詞間就知道你已經爛醉到無法開車 And the woolen dress that clung so tight, To the contours of your body. And the dead grass stuck to fibers from us rolling in the layby, Were passed to dog-haired blankets that protected the back seat covers, And a crucifix was hung from rear-view mirror by your mother. 緊身羊毛衣透露出你的身材 當我們在路邊草皮打滾時卡進的枯草 掉到了後座蓋在上面的狗毛毛毯上 被你媽媽吊在後視鏡上的十字架 I'm leaving my body to science; Not medical but physics. Drag my corpse through the airport and lay me limp on the left wing. Drop me at the highest point and trace a line around the dent I leave in the ground: That'll be the initial of the one you will marry now I'm not around. I flew for seven...