小農夫冒險記 - We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives

小農夫(Los Campesinos!)冒險記第二彈,要來介紹的是跟You! Me! Dancing!同期的歌曲,同樣也是同一個動畫導演製作,但命運卻大不同的卡通音樂錄影帶。在進行到詳細的內容前,我們依舊要進行一定來一下的copy/paste,將之前打過的Los Campesinos!基本介紹,小心的複製到下面的區塊中。看過的人可以細心尋找,到底那邊不一樣!

這個來自於Cardiff大學的獨立樂團Los Campesinos!,這個愉快又有點神經質唱腔的indie punk band,每次舞台上站的滿滿總共是七個人。他們的藝名也很有趣,是把本來每個團員的名字,接上團名當做姓氏,這樣一來他們就像是個瘋狂的大家庭一樣,在台上盡興的各司其職。這個樂團最大的特色就是保有著龐客樂團給人的精力充沛感,又有一種花草系列的可愛感,加上受到80年代紅極一時的Tweepop曲風的雙主唱編制,以及融入小提琴與鐵琴的樂器組合,是個非常有趣的樂團。

雖然他和You! Me! Dancing!同期推出,但We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives卻沒像You! Me! Dancing!一樣,擁有強烈熱情的節奏,總是隱藏著一種危險的感覺(從歌詞就可以略知一二)。音樂錄影帶的內容,繼續You! Me! Dancing!的故事劇情,到了外太空另一個星球還是繼續胡鬧著打架,彼此侵略彼此看不爽,戰爭手榴彈槍托都有,扭打受傷爆頭都在這個新星球裡面再度重演。


這首歌悲慘的命運,除了在音樂錄影帶中,背負起這個沈重話題的大結局劇情外,Los Campesinos!男主唱Gareth也公開在訪問中表示,他不喜歡這首在過去寫出的歌詞內容,對於一首歌的命運,這首歌等於是被宣判不會被表演的命運了啊!我挺喜歡最後一片寂靜中的那段歌詞,快速念出歌詞造成押韻讓人感覺非常好之外,最後那句「我直直的盯著你的眼」非常有力量啊!


When you play pass the parcel with human body parts
Somebody might get head, but someone will get hurt
And I'll sing what you like, if you shout it straight back at me

There's red stains all over the place
But they're not blood, they're cherryade
We throw parties, you throw knives
It's all the same if the fizzy drinks are nice

And it's great that you care so much about things
But you left talcum powder all over the bathroom
And yeah, it is great, you can blow her smoke rings
But you wont taste her lips if you do get to kiss her
And it's your party, but I'll die if I want to, I'll die if I want to

There's red stains all over the place
But they're not blood, they're cherryade
We throw parties, you throw knives
It's all the same if the fizzy drinks are nice

The music was okay, but the fresh air was better
And I couldn't tell if the singer's keyboard was a crutch or a synthesizer
But it sounded like he'd broken a limb
Each and every time he pushed a key down or in

There's red stains all over the place
But they're not blood, they're cherryade
We throw parties, you throw knives
It's all the same if the fizzy drinks are nice

(There's red stains all over the place
But they're not blood, they're cherryade
We throw parties, you throw knives
It's all the same if the fizzy drinks are nice
Oh no, it's my mistake, you cut your tongue while taking a sip
It's over, tell his mother, the party is over)

Teen campesinos
Trick or trim
On your driveway
In the middle of August
One of us dressed as a zombie
One of us dressed as a pirate
One of us dressed as a ninja
Four of us dressed as schoolgirls
And I'm starin' you straight in the eyes
I'm shaking my head
And I'm starin' you straight in your eyes



Jason Mraz 2009 台灣演唱會


Justice - †