
目前顯示的是 2013的文章

世界盡頭 The World's End (2013)

從Shawn Of the Dead (2004) 開始,Edgar Wright和Simon Pegg以及Nick Frost的合作從來都沒讓人失望過,看看Hot Fuzz (2007) 吧,充滿睿智的搞笑對話和電影文本的借用,對先前作品的自我消消遣,雖然都擁有類似主題架構(看似平靜的生活其實暗藏玄機),卻有不同風貌的詮釋方式。過了六年,當殭屍和神秘團體(cult)都被他們寫過後,作為三部曲的終結,有什麼比外星人加上世界末日還要更適合的呢*? *但其實Edgar Wright和Simon Pegg在接受訪問時,說很多人都以為他們是選定主題才寫劇本的,其實正好相反是想要寫對成長小鎮的解離感,所以才寫出這個故事的。 先不大長篇的探討每場戲中藏了多少他們的巧思,作為一個三部曲的終結篇,一種對於過去的記憶,對照與到與現今社會改變的反思,社交軟體與科技在這邊變成了可怕的外星人的譬喻,也在接近結局時也安排了一段非常有趣的橋段,對邁入人生另一個階段的自己,下了非常清楚的註解。另外在閱讀一些評論時,有些人提到這次又出現許多與前兩部類似的運鏡方式,例如最多人談論的跨欄鏡頭,從Shawn of the Dead的翻欄跌倒,Hot Fuzz的破欄而過,最後到The World's End的整欄倒下(比較動畫gif可以看 這裡 ),另外倒酒或上車的快速切換的換鏡方式都充滿懷舊感,好連貫啊! 原本還擔心這部片會不好看,但整部電影看下來不僅流暢,且兩個劇情轉折點都安排的清楚明確,對話還是很好笑,不過看不太習慣Nick Frost演這麼正經的角色(記憶中只要和Simon Pegg配在一起,就像是小鱉三配上花栗鼠一樣,而不是這次的小鱉三配上大猩猩...),所以最後的Bromance大告白突然讓人覺得有點意外...有種那種「What....???」的感覺,不過從電影宣傳的訪談看來,Nick Frost本身說起話來就是冷面笑將型(花栗鼠型,還是只是因為門牙牙縫的緣故嗎??)。 希望未來丁丁歷險記也能看到這對活寶繼續演Thomson and Thompson吧! (完全離題)

麻辣嬌鋒 The Heat (2013)

強勢又拘謹的FBI探員Ashburn(Sandra Bullock飾演),為了升遷被上司派到波士頓,要將當地的秘密毒梟捉捕到案,沒想到一到波士頓後就與素行不良的警探Mullins(Melissa McCarthy飾演,從名字來看就知道不是什麼正經的咖)起了衝突,陰錯陽差下,兩人得要不計前仇的一起合作來破案。 Sandra Bullock一向以強勢的形象在螢幕上出現,電影一開始的確也是表現如此,只是電影開始的十五分鐘後,人一到了波士頓馬上靈魂抽換,後面表現出的角色形象,卻是工作狂、難搞、多愁善感和不願與人正面起衝突的配角。因此Ashburn對比角色的Mullins,角色特色表現出強勢、粗爆、不拘小節的特質。疑?這不是十年前Sandra Bullock的形象嗎?怎麼現在好像看到兩個Sandra Bullock,但是新的那個(也就是Mullins)表現更加粗野和毫無道德觀了?原本個性預期應該要很辣的Sandra Bullock,怎麼從頭到尾都變得軟趴趴? 在這樣的錯誤角色期待下這部片變得支離破碎,好像一直看校園霸凌片一樣,Mullins一直恣意妄為的壓著Ashburn做事,但是什麼時候地頭蛇會比聯邦政府的探員在政治上還要有權勢,到底誰是FBI啊??當然最後的溫情大和解,就讓人捉摸不到頭緒...再來,雖然Mullins的角色的對話內容,應該是要挑戰一般道德觀和基本教條,但是常常會有讓人摸不著頭緒的邏輯觀念,天外飛來一筆是好事,但是一直砸中觀眾的理智會讓人以為他是外星人。 雖然IMDB上觀眾給了6.7分的分數,也反應在票房的結果上(第一週就將近回本,投資報酬率不含後期行銷只先算前期預算的話約370%),但要從這部電影中看出什麼新意,或是要找回導演Paul Feig前一部Bridesmaids帶來的驚喜,可能就要失望了。

the cello song

sleep, sleep escape from the darkness

Le rencontre à l'étranger

I met a Spanish on the way from Dusseldorf to Amsterdam last week. From Madrid, he is having a short vacation traveling from Brussels, Luxembourg, and Germany. When we entered the cabinet, we didn’t expect to have someone to share the 4 persons seats with us. The person sat next to us was very calm but normal. Like what usually happens in the train, people don’t start the conversation with you from nowhere but maintain certain level of courtesy and politeness, mostly reading or taking a nap. I excused myself to enter the window seat, and he stood up to let me pass, while he was charging his cellphone. Being very careful of the wire and charger, I took out the book that I just bought in Paris, La fin des musées by Catherine Grenier with my headset and chose Bon Iver’s second album. It was a 2 and half hour ride so I was aware of having the recreation stuff to do. When I just started to read, I instantly felt the urge of going to the toilette. When I came back, the train departe...

Los Campesinos! - What Death Leaves Behind

昨天小農夫將第五張專輯的第一支單曲, What Death Leaves Behind ,放到了soundcloud上提供大家免費下載,還附上了第五張專輯的詳細曲目(好傷心只有九首歌) FOR FLOTSAM WHAT DEATH LEAVES BEHIND A PORTRAIT OF THE TREQUARTISTA AS A YOUNG MAN CEMETERY GAITS GLUE ME AS LUCERNE / THE LOW AVOCADO, BABY LET IT SPILL THE TIME BEFORE THE LAST TIME SELLING ROPE (SWAN DIVE TO ESTUARY) 不管如何,這首歌還可以看的出來小農夫正往另一個方向前進著,比起一開始前三張專輯的神經質與喋喋不休,現在更重視在歌曲氛圍和歌詞意涵的營造。 I was the first match struck at the first cremation, you are my shallow grave, I'll tend you as a sexton If you're the casket door that's being slammed upon me, I'll be a plague cross painted on your naked body Well summer sighed and summoned up hail. Dirty in dish rack drips the holy grail May be heartslob but I want 'em to know, cut and shut us like a portmanteau We sit around jus' spitballin', all the witches cackle round my cauldron Recognise the lies from my poker tongue (is it true...?) They say you and me are tautology What grows from the seeds Can y...

The Lumineers - Dead Sea 歌詞

I stood alone, upon the platform in vain Puerto Ricans they were playing me salsa in the rain With open doors and manual locks In fast food parking lots 我獨自無助的站在月台上 波多黎各人在雨對我彈奏著salsa 敞開的門 手動的鎖 在速食店外的停車場中 I headed West, I was a man on the move New York had lied to me, I needed the truth Oh, I need somebody, I needed someone I could trust I don't gamble, but if I did I would bet on us 我向西移動 紐約它辜負了我,我尋找著真實 喔,我需要他人 需要一個我能相信的人 我從不賭博 但若需要我會傾注我們之間 Like the Dead Sea You told me I was like the Dead Sea You'll never sink when you are with me Oh Lord, like the Dead Sea Whoa, I'm like the Dead Sea The finest words you ever said to me Honey can't you see, I was born to be, be your Dead Sea 像死海一般 你說我就像死海 當與我在一起時你從不擔心沉陷 喔,像死海一樣 就像死海一般 你對我說過最美的話 寶貝,你難道不了解嗎,我是為你而生的死海 You told me you were good at running away Domestic life, it never suited you like a suitcase You left with just the clothes on your back You took the rest when you took th...

Los Campesinos! 2013 年度鉅獻 NO BLUES

隨著現場演出專輯的推出熱潮過後,第五張專輯也開始進入收尾的階段。 昨天小農夫們終於公布了第一首單曲的搶先試聽(sneak peak),NO BLUES。兄妹檔組合真的是很無敵啊,現在原始團員也只剩下Gareth、Tom還有Neil了,粉紅色的粉(這是color run得到的靈感嗎?!)感覺好妖嬌喔,科科~! 至於大家的鬍子(除了Gareth以外)真是越來越長,超帥的!

Ólafur Arnalds Taipei Concert 2013

2013/9/14 (Sat) The WALL live house Taipei, Taiwan Pre-sale ticket: NTD 1200 Ticket: NTD 1500 see you there. Ólafur. http://thewall.tw/shows/365

Back to the cocoon

Still there. Still there..... Still there. Gone. The irrational judgements like a rush blood to the head.  I just feel that I am isolated, far from surrounded. Not to think about the sadness. Not to think of the details Not to think about the reasons.

Olafur Arnalds

He is amazing, funny and talented. His music breaks my heart every single time. He is not pretentious. Smile when he talks jokes. He is getting better and better when I first listened to his pieces many years ago. He grows stronger and stronger, more precise of what he is making and stay creative. I admire him and adore his music.

Los Campesinos! - Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks (stage invasion)

Today I found out the best version of my favorite song of Los Campesinos!. I always dream to do stage invasion but never have guts to do so.

小農夫Los Campesinos! 現場專輯 - A Good Night For A Fistfight 一場拳腳相向的美好夜晚!

好久沒有小農夫 Los Campesinos! 的消息,除了在小提琴手和貝斯手離團之後,這大概是最大的動作吧! 在五月初時小農夫即將在網路上發行數位現場演出專輯 ,收集六年間的表演片段,包含先前的女主Alex離團前的現場錄音 ,為貝斯手Ellen離團前的最後演出的片段,總共會有21首歌以五磅的價格在自己的 官網上販售 ,但這21首歌主要還是來自於在西雅圖的演出時的實況錄音為主,當天的表演標題叫做" ‘A Good Night For A Fistfight "(一場拳腳相向的美好夜晚)。 下個月開始小農夫們也會開始進錄音室,準備第五張專輯的工作,歐耶! We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed 免費下載 試聽

apple juice

It's a snow day. The day before i didn't catch the train, and I had to stay one more night, because it was also the last train of the day. I looked at the white windowsill and the snow gently fell down from the sky. They had a plastic thermocup for making tea in very bright color It was like a short story novel, and i was experiencing it. When it was the time, I stood up and told them that I was very grateful that they could let me stay one more day. He stood up too, and went to the room. The room is for laundry and food storage. He handed me a pack of tissue ("Do you have tissue with you? The weather is cold, so you might get a stuffy noise. Take this with you!") and some cookies (Sorry.... we ate the bread last night, but you should take these cookie so you can eat them on the train!). Then he looked up at the top shelf. "Do you like apple juice?" "but... it is a like 1L bottle..." "Doesn't matter, take whatever you want with y...

Anthony Bourdain Layouts Taipei

Every time I watch a foreign TV show introducing Taiwan, even if it might be full of bias and orientalism stereotype, that makes me love more where I live, TAIWAN. Anthony Bourdain has picked up the most interesting part of our culture, the multi-layered post-colonical complexity influences, appeared inexplicitly in many aspect of our lives in Taiwan.


September/26 Woke up from a deep sleep last night. After a kebab, I felt nausea and tired. In the morning, all the windows and doors were closed as expected, different from the last night. The person who talked to me has left. I saw an empty bed with the white blanket. I took a shower again, and expected the steam could give some help to clear the digested nose. This would be a tough day. I scheduled to climb all the way up to the summit. Starting from Grindlewald. Along with the trail to enter a small village called Bussalp. It is said that there's a small waterfall that can be a stop to take a rest. Then follow the trail through faulhorn. The highest point around the area, and reached to the famous Bachalpsee lake to see the reflection of the world famous Jungfrau mountain. To finish, follow the same mountain fridge and pass through First, I could possibly catch the last bus down at Grosse Scheidegg and go back to Grindlewald and take the return train back to Interlaken....

In Between Cities

I have been thinking about if i should get this blog involved with other of my projects. Then I realized that everything is connected because i am just a one piece of human being. I think of the same thing but speak about different points. I used information irrelevant to cut off the connection between my projects and me. Here we go.

Background story about the song "In Between Cities"

I often get confused about the meaning of being in between cities. Staying, living, or staying in a long period of time. This ambiguity standard of definition which can be longer or shorter, has divided many different kinds of people in the cities. Within different cities, towns, villages based on various cultures, the most common situation to me is that I don't feel that I am staying in the space, neither I could find the connection between me and the space (to transform the definition into "place"). Before solving this unclear self-definition, I take another train and leave the space.   Later, after I came back, it becomes inevitably to be asked, "Which city/place do you like the most?". Eventually I find a solid answer that can be widely accepted effortlessly, without any more explanations and being questioned. It's because the food there is good. It's because the cost of living there is not so expensive. It's because people there are friendly...

Oyster Card story

I provided the little fractions of my memory to here. I write about the memory about the city. It should be nice to start over, about the first day of the trip. August/6th When I get off from the airplane, at airport Heathrow. With lack of sleep and the tiredness from the long hour flight, I just wanted to go as fast as possible to settle down. Maybe take a breathe or lay down or anything not fixed in one seat. Now i cannot remember what the airport looks like or what gates I passed through. The part of memory disappeared after I left the airport. I followed the sign and crowd and entered the underground station. It was about ten to six or something maybe. People who have Oystercard passed through the gates directly. Others, like the first time to London (me), standing in front of the automatic machine and queued up to buy tickets. I bought a single ride ticket which was like 4 pounds or more, because I couldn't find the section of purchasing Oystercard. When I was just a...